Sculpture, twisted face

An odd little clay piece I did from a while back… the eyes are a bit confusing in that they were supposed to be the closed lids occurring further down the face, but in retrospect I think the holes above them might be misleading, which lends an entirely different impression. IMG_20160624_184759 sm


Fatal Light Awareness Program (illus.)

The following pen & ink piece was created as a sample illustration for the Toronto-based organization F.L.A.P (Fatal Light Awareness Program). Since 1993, FLAP has coordinated a volunteer intiative to pick up the birds that have collided with city buildings. This effort has amounted to tens of thousands of birds since the FLAP was founded in 1993. The birds that are found alive (less than 40%) are brought in for rehabilitation and later release.

An estimated one to ten birds die per building, per year, by flying into glass or other reflective surfaces during the day or at night. This means that, without better safeguarding (such as BirdSafe building standards and effective bird deterrant technologies), the City of Toronto has over 950,000 registered buildings that could potentially kill over 9 million birds each year.

flap - felderThe organization also coordinates several other valuable initiatives to do with bird safety, awareness and education. See more:

Earth, Sea, and Sky OCAD Exhibition

Pleased to announce the following small pieces were selected for OCAD’s Earth, Sea, and Sky 2016 Exhibition, opening July 7 and running until September. I’ll post more details when available but the exhibition “explores nature by sculptors and fibre and video artists from Continuing Studies at OCAD U. Landscapes, seascapes, flora, and fauna are featured in a wide range of media”.

japan landscape (acrylic) - felder - felderJapan (acrylic and medium on canvas)

goat (paperclay) - felderGoat (paperclay and wire)

Flowers in ink and mylar

I’ve been amusing myself with india ink and watercolour pencils lately. Here is a larger work using a combination of mylar overlaid on watercolour paper, india ink, and watercolour pencils. Flora (ink on mylar) - Felder web




S&F in Philosophy Now: Conspiracy theory

The following cartoon accompanied the print version of Stephen Brewer’s article “The Conspiracy of Theories” (Issue 114, Philosophy Now). The piece “stealthily records a dialogue in which Freya argues that conspiracy theories are illogical, but Orin is not so sure”, proving that even the wildest of conspiracy theories can be reasonable so long as their principle axioms are consistent. Who knew!

Read more at: conspiracy 900x1396 300dpi WEB